Create/edit PDF templates

Note: This feature will be explained and activated for you in the "Reports and Report Table Editor" training session.

To create a new PDF template for your documents (reports, labels, worksheets, invoices, etc.) in the LABORDATENBANK, navigate to: Navigation bar → Settings → PDF Templates → Create PDF template

Now you can set the basic settings for your document. Give the PDF template a unique name, as this will be displayed when creating the document (e.g., test report). Then, enter the desired page margins, font settings, and paper size (standard is DIN A4).

After saving these basic settings, you can populate this new template with data. Edit this template now by clicking on edit.

Now you can add elements in the lower section. The elements are divided into three appearance locations:
  • First page e.g.: address, order data, cover page - These elements also appear outside the upper fixed frame but within the lower fixed frame (except images).
  • Every page e.g.: header, footer, page numbering, logo - These elements should be placed within the fixed frame area as they repeat on every page.
  • After main part e.g.: end of test report, reproduction notice, signature - These elements should always be relative to the last element (main part) and are only displayed within the fixed frame.
  • After image attachment e.g.: footer, disclaimer - These elements overlay attachments like images, PDFs, etc., to display a disclaimer on the attachments, for example.

    Continue with Create design elements.
  • Last change: 10.01.2025








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