Labordatenbank introduction checklist

We provide a project timeline to describe the time and effort needed for the modification, configuration, and rollout of the Labordatenbank in your company.
The project timeline is divided into 5 principal phases: data import, data structuring, system modification,system testing, and use in production.
Detailed planning is discussed and realized during weekly teleconferences.
The implementation of the Labordatenbank in production occurs in conjuction with the on-site workshops.

Preparation for the first conference call
Für die Online-Workshops haben sich Screensharing-Programme bewährt.

  • Mit folgendem Link können Sie Zoom, ein Screensharing-Programm, kostenlos herunterladen und auf Ihrem Desktop installieren:

  • With the following link you can download Teamviewer, a screensharing program, for free and install it on your desktop:
    This makes the conference calls maximally interactive and informative.

Phase 1: Data import
e laboratory database implementation starts with the import of your data from employee lists, customer lists, parameter lists, price lists, etc..
This data can originate from an existing system (legacy data import) or be compiled and provided by the laboratory for the introduction of the Labordatenbank.

In the instructions linked below, you will find descriptions and templates for importing the data:

  • Import employees
  • _LINK_TO_PAGE=137_
  • _LINK_TO_PAGE=136_
  • _LINK_TO_PAGE=138_
  • _LINK_TO_PAGE=139_

    The next steps are:
    Provide template for report (MS Word or PDF)
    With an example and current report provided by you, we create the template for your future reports from the laboratory database.
    We require dynamic elements such as customer address, sample master data and analysis results to be color-coded in the sample report, please.

  • Last change: 22.01.2025








    Berichtstabellen Editor


    Kundenzone (optional)


