Create a New Document

To create a new document, click on Navigation Bar QM Documents Add document

When creating a document, you will be shown an overview of the most important information to fill out:

    1. Document No.: Enter a unique number for the document. (Required)

    2. Title: Enter the title of the report. The title should be concise and descriptive. (Required)

    3. Category: Choose the appropriate category from the dropdown list. Click the button to edit or add new categories.

    4. Tags Add relevant tag that describe the content of the document. This will make it easier to find the document later.

    5. Template: Choose a template for the document from the dropdown list.

    6. Validator/Releaser: Select the validator/releaser from the dropdown list. The reviewer is responsible for checking the document and the approver for the final approval of the document. (Required)

    7. Validation Interval: Enter the interval at which the document should be reviewed (e.g., annually, semi-annually).

    8. Summary: Enter a brief summary of the document's content.

    9. Who may see this document? Select who can view the document.

    10. Who may edit this document? Select who can edit the document.

    11. Related records: If necessary, add related records. This can include equipment, materials, or other documents. Use the search fields to find and link the relevant records.

After saving, the first version of the document can be uploaded as a PDF or formatted text.

Related topics: Create new version

Last change: 10.01.2025








Berichtstabellen Editor


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