Create new version

To create a new version of a document, click on the highlighted button + Add New Version.

The version number will be automatically suggested and can be adjusted depending on the nature of the changes. You have the option to either add the new version as a PDF file or insert it as formatted text in the editor. Additionally, you can document changes of the new version in the Changes field in a bullet-point style.

Optionally, the reviewer of the version can be notified via email about pending reviews. After saving the version, the cover page and header will be automatically generated or updated with the document's metadata.

Info: To mark the areas where changes have been made in the document, you can use the "Track Changes" function in MS Word before saving as a PDF, with the "Simple Markup" option selected.
The system features a history that tracks all previous versions of a document. This function makes it easier to track the current status and development of document changes.

Additionally, a comment field is available for each version, which can be used for annotations and feedback.

Viewing and editing the MS Word file as well as all other documents is only possible for users with the "Edit Document" access right.

Related Topics: Create a New Document, Access rights, Validate document

Last change: 10.01.2025








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