Design elements Setting options

Design elements have extensive configuration options. Below, the most important settings are explained.

  • Description: This header only appears in the design editor and makes it easier to assign the elements.
  • Type: The following types are available:
    • Text (Most used): Normal text or for displaying frames
    • HTML: Allows the use of HTML tags within the text (bold, italic, underlined ...)
    • Markdown: Allows the use of Markdown formatting within the text (bold, italic, underlined ...)
    • Image: Opens an upload mask for inserting an image as a design element.
    • Page break: Inserts a page break
    • QR Code: Inserts a QR code with the specified content
    • Signature: Inserts the signature of the person signing the test report Manage signatures
  • Placement: This selection field allows you to move the design elements across the 4 appearance levels (first page, every page, after the main part, after the image appendix).
  • Position (X, Y) : These values define the position of the design element on the page (measured from the top/preceding left corner).
    • X: Specifies the distance from the left edge of the sheet.
    • Y 1: Specifies the distance from the top edge of the sheet, if the Y Position relative checkbox is deselected.
    • Y 2: Specifies the distance from the top edge of the preceding element if the Y Position relative checkbox is selected and Increment Y is deselected in the preceding element.
    • Y 3: Specifies the distance from the bottom edge of the preceding element if the Y Position relative checkbox is selected and Increment Y is selected in the preceding element.
  • Increment Y: Can be used for the dynamic arrangement of design elements, preventing overlapping of the following element.
  • Width: Specifies the width of the design element. Texts are automatically wrapped. This measure is particularly important for design elements with frames. However, it should not be larger than necessary.
  • Condition: This field allows the appearance of the design element to be conditional. For example, an assessment field can only be displayed when an assessment is provided. Or, an accreditation logo can only be displayed if the respective parameter is also used for this sample. The conditions themselves are the variables available to you.
  • Content: Text field with the content of this design element.
  • Font and line height, style, font color, text alignment, background color, frame, frame color, frame thickness: These settings allow you to change the appearance of the design element. You can choose the colors directly in the palette or enter the corresponding color code. Labordatenbank uses the following color codes: Labordatenbank Color Codes red: #b94a48" green: #008000" blue: #08c" black: #333333" orange: #f89406" light grey #f8f9fa" dark grey #080808" purple: #6f42c1"
Now that you are familiar with the configuration options, you can Create design elements.

Last change: 10.01.2025








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