Add Parameter

Nachfolgend eine kurze Erklärung der einzelnen Felder die beim Anlegen des Parameters eingetragen werden können.

To create a parameter, follow this path: Navigation Bar Settings Manage Parameters Add Parameter

Name and Assign the Parameter:

  1. Name: The name of the parameter is important for selecting the parameter, appears when entering values, and also in the final report. Additionally, you can set the color of the name to improve visibility in the parameter list.
  2. Short: The parameter abbreviation is a short designation for the parameter, used for example when creating parameter formulas. The abbreviation must be unique and cannot contain spaces or special characters.
  3. Unit: The unit of the parameter appears when entering values and in the report.
  4. Parametergroup: Use the dropdown menu to decide which parameter group the parameter belongs to. Every parameter must be assigned to a parameter group (see instructions: _LINK_TO_PAGE=51_).
  5. Category: Choose the appropriate category that best represents the parameter's function or purpose.
  6. Tags: Assign relevant tags to the parameter for easier organization and searchability. Tags can include keywords related to the parameter's properties, application, or usage.
  7. Documents: Specific documents from the document management system (e.g., SOPs) can be linked to each parameter.
  8. Equipment: Specific test equipment from the test equipment management system can be linked to each parameter. The status of the test equipment (approved, blocked, etc.) is directly visible next to the related parameters in the "Create/Edit Sample" mask, for example as .
  • Additional Master Data: Depending on the lab database configuration, there may be additional master data fields that can be filled out (e.g., SOP, standard, accredited, etc.).

  • Set and Specify Parameters

    1. Formula: Formulas can be stored for each parameter (see instructions: Deposit formulas with parameters).
    2. Columns, Data Type, Decimal Places: If a parameter has more than one value, you can add additional columns by clicking the Add Column button. In the following image, we see a parameter with four columns where the data type and decimal places have been adjusted (the formula for the average is shown above). More information can be found at: Parameter data types, Deposit formulas with parameters
    3. Report: Here you can decide whether this parameter should be displayed in the report.
    4. No Invoicing: If a parameter should not be billed, check this box.
    5. Warning: Parameters without a price and without a check mark will generate an error message when suggesting a price
    6. Client zone: If the parameter should appear in the _LINK_TO_PAGE=125_, check this box. In the report table, you can set whether all results should be displayed.
    7. Measurement Repetitions: If repetitions of measurement values are allowed for this parameter, check this box. The Measurement Repetitions setting must first be enabled in the system settings, otherwise it will not be displayed.

    Example: pH Value Measurement

    It is possible, for example, to automatically display an average of three values.

    Last change: 20.01.2025








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