Linking materials with parameters

Materials can be directly linked to the relevant test parameters, ensuring that the correct batch can always be selected during sample processing. For each test, it is possible to specify exactly which batch of the recorded material was used. This not only provides clarity about which material should be used for a test but also ensures traceability of which batch was specifically utilized. Conversely, it is also possible to track which tests were conducted with a particular batch.

1) Linking Parameters with Materials
To link a parameter with a material, start in the material detail view of the desired material. In the bottom-right corner (1.), you will find all relevant information for the linkage. This section shows both the parameters already linked to the material and an overview of the expressions available for linking. In each material's view, you will see the specific expressions for that material.

Depending on your needs, different expressions are available:

  • material=X for selecting batches of this material.
  • materialtype=Y for selecting batches from the material category XYZ.
  • material for selecting batches from all materials.

Select the expression suitable for your application and copy it.
Using the shortcut Link parameter with this material , you are directed to the parameter list.

In the parameter list, you can choose the desired parameter to link with the material. In the parameter column designated for batch selection of the material, enter the copied expression as the data type. You also need to assign an appropriate header to this column. For more details on parameters, refer to Add Parameter and Parameter data types.

When you save the parameter, the link between the material and the parameter is established.

2) Selecting a Batch in the Sample
In a sample with a parameter containing such a column, you can now select one of the approved batches of the respective material. This action creates a link between the sample and the corresponding material batch.

3) Traceability and Residual Quantity Calculation
Within the individual parameters of a sample, you can check which batch was used for testing. In the material detail view, the batch overview also shows which samples were tested with this batch (top image 2.). Traceability is possible in both directions.

By assigning batches to samples, the Labordatenbank can calculate the current stock level for each batch. To enable this, the "quantity per sample" field for the material must be filled, as the Labordatenbank uses this value as a factor. The remaining quantity is also displayed in the batch overview.

Last change: 22.01.2025








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Rechnen mit Parametern



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