1. formula system: vector notation
Example: A = B + C
and D = A * 2
(the vector notation v['B']
stands for the parameter B). The calculated result of a formula (in this case parameter A) can also be reused in a formula itself (e.g. in the formula D = v['A']*2
In the following image you can see how the values for A and D (12 and 24) are automatically calculated from the values entered for B and C (8 and 4).
Up to 10 columns can be stored for one parameter. The matrix notation starts counting at 0, so this results in the columns 0 to column 9. With the matrix notation you can use the values of all columns in your formulas.
In the next image you see the parameter TS with four columns (Ergebnis, Schale, Einwaage, Auswaage).
Schale, Einwaage and Auswaage are entered and the result is calculated with the following formula: ((Auswaage - Schale) / (Einwaage - Schale)) * 100
If you want to use the value of column 0 (result) in a formula, you can use the vector notation v['TS']
or use the matrix notation m['TS']['0']
(the result is the same).
If you want to use the value of columns 1, 2,... (Schale, Einwaage,...) hen the matrix notation is to be used (m['TS']['1']
for Schale, m['TS']['2']
for Einwaage,...).
Ergebnis = ((Auswaage - Schale) / (Einwaage - Schale)) * 100
In this example the result is standing in column 0, Schale in column 1, Einwaage in column 2 and Auswaage in column 3.
This results in the following notation for this formula: TS = ((m['TS']['3'] - m['TS']['1']) / (m['TS']['2'] - m['TS']['1'])) * 100
can be used. With this simplification, you can easily transfer the created formula to other parameters without having to adapt the matrix notation for each parameter.
with x=
column number.
This results in the following notation for the above formula:
TS = (this(3) - this(1)) / (this(2) - this(1)) * 100
with x=
column number. This formula then has access to the target value of this parameter stored for the respective column x. (Instruction: How to Add setpoints.)
Formulas are created in the Edit Parameters mask.
In the image above, the formula is 100 - m['TM']['1']
, i.e. 100 minus TM value of the 1st column.
In this example, if we enter the value 12
in the Input column in the sample detail view, we automatically get the result 88
in the Report column (see image below).
Function | Description | Example |
abs | Absolute value | abs(-2) = 2 |
avg | Average | avg(3, 3, 6) = 4 |
geomittel | Returns the geometric mean. | geomittel(3, 3, 6) = 3,78 |
median | Median | median(3, 3, 6) = 3 |
min | Determine minimum value | min(1, 3, 5, 6, 7) = 1 |
max | Determine maximum value | max(1, 3, 5, 6, 7) = 7 |
stabw | stabw(number 1, number 2,...) Determines the standard deviation | stabw(1, 1.5, 2) = 0,50 |
sum | sum(number 1, number 2,...) Adds the related arguments | sum(1, 3, 5, 6, 7) = 22 |
produkt | produkt(Zahl 1, Zahl 2,...) Multiplies the related arguments | produkt(1, 3, 5, 6, 7) = 630 |
potenz | potenz(Basis, Exponent) Exponentiates the related arguments | potenz(2, 5) = 32 |
sqrt | Square root | sqrt(9) = 3 |
exp | Exponential function | exp(5.7) = 298.87 |
log | natural logarithm | log(12) = 2.4849 |
log10 | Logarithm to base 10 | log10(100) = 2 |
if | if(condition, then, else) If the condition is TRUE, the then-part is returned. If not, the else part. | if(2 > 3, 1, 2) = 2
if(5 > 3 && 9 < 12, 'passed', 'failed') = passed |
ifs | ifs(condition, then, condition, then, [...], else) If the condition is TRUE, the then-part is returned. If not, it is checked, whether the next condition is TRUE and the next then-part is returned. If none of the conditions is TRUE, the else-part is returned. | ifs(
v['pH'] < 3, 'very acidic',
v['pH'] < 6, 'acidic',
v['pH'] < 8, 'neutral',
'alkaline') |
ifselected | ifselected(parameter short, then, else) If the parameter with this parameter abbreviation is selected for the sample, the then part is returned. If not, the else part. | ifselected('pH', v['pH']*100, 'pH-Value missing') |
links | links(Text, number of characters) Cut character from left | links('123-456', 3) = 123 |
rechts | rechts(Text, number of characters) Cut character from right | rechts('123-456', 3) = 456 |
replace | replace(text, old text, new text) Replaces old text with new text in a string | replace(123456, 3, '-') = 12-456 |
enthaelt | enthaelt(Text, Search term) The function checks whether the search term is contained in the text. | enthaelt('Hello World', 'World') = true |
beginntmit | beginntmit(Text, Search term) The function checks whether the text begins with the search term. | beginntmit('Hello World', 'World') = false |
endetmit | endetmit(Text, Search term) The function checks whether the text ends with the search term. | endetmit('Hello World', 'World') = true |
klein | klein(Text) Replaces upper case letters with lower case letters. | klein('ABcd') = 'abcd' |
gross | gross(Text) Replaces lower case letters with upper case letters. | gross('ABcd') = 'ABCD' |
verketten | verketten(Text, Text,...) Allows the concatenation of several texts or numbers | verketten('abc ', 3) = abc 3 |
laenge | laenge(Text) calculates how many characters occur in the text | laenge('+++') = 3 |
sin | Sine of the angle | sin(60) = -0.3048... |
cos | Cosine of the angle | cos(3.1415) = -1 |
tan | Tangent of the angle | tan(4) = 1.16 | asin | Arcsine of the parameter (the inverse function of sin() ) | asin(-1) = -1.571... |
acos | Arcus cosine of the parameter (the inverse function of cos() ) | acos(-0.5) = 2.094... |
atan | Arcus tangent of the parameter (the inverse function of tan() ) | atan(1) = 0.785... |
round | round(Number, Number of digits)
Rounds a floating point value | round(3.4) = 3
round(1234.567, 2) = 1234.57
round(1234.567, -2) = 1200 |
aufrunden | aufrunden(Number, Number of digits)
Round up a floating point value | aufrunden(3.4) = 4
aufrunden(1234.567, 2) = 1234.57
aufrunden(1234.567, -2) = 1300 |
abrunden | abrunden(Number, Number of digits)
Round off a floating point value | abrunden(3.4) = 3
abrunden(1234.567, 2) = 1234.56
abrunden(1234.567, -2) = 1200 |
vrunden | vrunden(number, multiple)
Returns a number rounded to the desired multiple. | vrunden(10, 3) = 9
vrunden(1.3, 0.2) = 1.4
vrunden(12.34, 0.05) = 12,35 |
roundsig | roundsig(number, number of significant digits)
Rounds a number to the defined significant digits. | roundsig(0.012345, 3) = 0,0123
roundsig(12345, 3) = 12300 |
wert | wert(Text)
Transforms text into a decimal number. | wert('< 0,25 mg/l') = 0.25 |
fmod | fmod(Dividende, Divisor)
Remainder of a floating point division | fmod(5.7, 1.3) = 0.5 weil 4 * 1.3 + 0.5 = 5.7 |
rand | rand(min, max)
Generates a random number | rand(5, 15) = 11 |
numberformat | numberformat(number, decimal places, decimal point, thousands separator)
The number is displayed with the number of decimal places and decimal sperator.Optionally, a thousands separator can also be defined.
Caution: The number is saved as a string. If you want to continue calculating with this number, the comma is not recognized as a decimal separator and must be changed by replace to a point in the calculation. | numberformat(1995, 2, ',', '.') = 1.995,00 |
exponentialformat | exponentialformat(number, decimal places)
The number is displayed in exponential notation (Scientific Notation). | exponentialformat(1995, 1) = 2,0 x 103 |
istzahl | istzahl(Value) This function checks whether the value is a number. | istzahl(12.34) = TRUE istzahl(12,34) = TRUE istzahl('hello') = FALSE |
finden | finden('searchtext',value) This function finds a piece of text and returns the position. If nothing is found, an empty string '' is returned. | finden('.', '1234.de') = 5 finden('-',12-34) = 3 finden('world', 'hello world') = 7 |
provides the negation for all functions. It can thus be used, for example, for a query likeistzahl(Value)
, which outputs TRUE if it is a number, the negation!istzahl(Wert)
can be used so that FALSE is output.
You will find further functions in the instructions Calculating with number sequences
Beispiel: Warnung bei einem pH-Wert kleiner 7 oder größer 13.
Hier wurden zwei Vergleichsoperatoren (kleiner 7, größer 13) mit oder-verknüpft (||
ist der logische Operator Oder).
wenn(v['pH'] < 7 || v['pH'] > 13, 'pH-Wert nicht in Ordnung', 'pH-Wert in Ordnung')
Comparison operators
Example | Name | Result |
A == B | Equal | Returns TRUE if A is equal to B. |
A != B | Not equal | Returns TRUE if A isnot equal to B. |
A < B | Smaller then | Returns TRUE if A is smaller then B. |
A > B | Bigger then | Returns TRUE if A is bigger then B. |
A <= B | Smaller or Equal | Returns TRUE if A is smaller or equal to B. |
A >= B | Bigger or equal | Returns TRUE if A is bigger or equal to B |
Logical operators
Example | Name | Result |
A && B | AND | Returns TRUE if both A and B are TRUE. |
A || B | OR | Returns TRUE if both A or B are TRUE. |
A xor B | Either Or | Returns TRUE if A or B is TRUE, but not both. |
!A | Not | Returns TRUE if A is not TRUE. |
if(v['pH'] < 7, 'ph-value to low', if(v['pH'] > 13, 'pH-Value to high', 'pH-Value OK'))
Here, two if
functions are nested inside each other. If the pH value is less than 7, 'pH value too low' is output.If the pH value is greater than or equal to 7, the second if
function takes effect and checks whether the pH value is greater than 13. If yes, 'pH value too high' is output, if not, 'pH value OK'.
In this form, any number of if
functions can be nested within each other.
Example: Nesting of three qualitative queries:if(v['colour'] == 'red', 'The colour is red.', if(v['colour'] == 'yellow', 'The colour is yellow.',
if(v['colour'] == 'orange', 'The colour is orange.', 'The colour is undefined.'))
Last change: 11.02.2025
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