Sample management

Organize samples efficiently
Proben verwalten in der Probenliste im Labordatenbank LIMS
  • Automatically assign sample numbers
    Sample numbers are assigned according to the accreditation specifications.
  • Barcodes & QR codes
    Speed up your processes and track your samples with barcodes & QR codes.
  • Overview & tracking
    Overview of due samples, limit violations or processing status at a glance.
  • Team collaboration
    Create work lists for your employees and manage tasks transparently as a team.
  • Archiving and retaine samples
    Manage the storage of your (retained) samples. Be reminded when which samples can be disposed of.

Sample list: Status and progress at a glance

In the sample list, you can see all relevant information, master data and status information for your samples. With filters, for example by department, employee or due date, you can keep track of even a large number of samples.

Proben verwalten in der Probenliste im Labordatenbank LIMS

Speed up daily work with barcodes / QR codes

Angebote im Labordatenbank LIMS erstellen

Clearly identify samples

Each sample is given a unique identification number. The unique ID corresponds to your numbering system, e.g. consecutive, leading year, date and area(s).

Probenverwaltung im LIMS

Find and filter samples

To simplify daily work in the laboratory, offers extensive search options to search for samples by customer, values, parameters or sample type. To display the results. You can save recurring searches as filters to receive automatic notifications and create your own pages. This means that you always have an overview of your due samples, limit violations or samples for which a report still needs to be created.

Proben suchen und filtern LIMS

Enter values and results

There are basically three options for entering your raw values, results and QM documentation formulas: individually per sample, across samples (e.g. by order or bay) or by area. In addition, there are individually configurable masks with which each employee or area can see exactly the samples relevant to them for entry. Limits of determination, limit values etc. are directly taken into account when entering. Simply select your favorite view in

LIMS Ergebnisse und Messwerte eintragen

Import values

You can easily import external values with With the integrated import interface editor you can connect all common measuring devices. You can connect external laboratories in the same way to have values and reports directly available in the system.

Importe im LIMS

Calculating with values and formulas

Automatisms and mathematical functions in the extensive formula system help you to calculate values. Mathematical and logical operators provide a full range of functions. Operate the calculations like a spreadsheet program, as you are used to.

LIMS rechnen mit Formeln

Collaboration in the lab with tasks & daily lists

With intelligent daily lists, you can see at the touch of a button which parameters and samples are due for analysis on which date and need to be processed. At the same time, you are reminded of overdue analyses. Tasks allow you to work together as a team and document the processing transparently and comprehensibly.

Neuausfertigung eines Prüfberichts mit automativer Versionierung im LIMS

LIMS functions

Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)