Qualification matrix

Manage employee skills and qualifications in accordance with accreditation requirements

Qualifikationen im Labor und Qualifikationsmatrix
  • Manage qualifications clearly
    The qualification matrix is seamlessly linked to the training plan and enables effective management and documentation of your employee qualifications.
  • Determine qualification requirements
    Determine required qualifications for different tasks and positions in your laboratory and link them to specific training courses.
  • Review of employee competencies
    Make sure that your employees have completed the required training and have the necessary knowledge and skills.
  • Expiring qualifications at a glance
    LIMS.eu notifies you before qualifications expire and helps you to plan appropriate measures.

Access control through qualification checks

By combining qualification checks and access rights, you ensure that all users have the necessary qualifications to access or perform specific functions. In addition to individual access rights, LIMS.eu also checks the necessary qualifications of each user, as demonstrated in the training courses, and only grants access to those who meet the relevant requirements.

Neuausfertigung eines Prüfberichts mit automativer Versionierung im LIMS

LIMS functions

Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)