Sample search

You can search for samples in the main menu or run an advanced search through the sample list.

Quick Search

For the quick search, click on the field Search in the top left corner of the menu bar and enter your search term. Search for example for a sample number, sample designation, an order, customers, etc. Press your ENTER key to execute the search, and the found samples will be displayed in the sample list.

By entering special search shortcuts like samples:123 or customers:123, you can search specifically for samples, customers, and other data. You can also simply use the first letter of the search shortcut, e.g. s:123 for samples. If you click on the / or ?, an info box will appear. The info box displays the search shortcuts as well as a link to the detailed search.

Tip: The quick search can also be activated anytime with the keyboard by pressing the s or / key.

Advanced Search

You can access the advanced search through: Navigation Bar Samples Sample List Search In the detailed sample search, you can filter specific samples based on various criteria such as date, customer, order, responsibility, and status. You can also search for keywords, reports, attachments, and specific parameters, as well as use SQL queries to obtain precise search results. Additionally, there's the option for you to LINK_TO_PAGE=67.

For example, you can search for all samples where the parameter Conductivity is selected and the pH value > 4.7.

Info: If you have a scanner link and want to search for the sample designation, you can use the following link e.g.:

Last change: 10.01.2025








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