If you specify csv
as the data type for a parameter, you can enter several values in succession, as a series of numbers, in an input field.
Number series are usually imported from measuring instruments, but can also be entered manually (when entering manually, the individual values are entered separately with the Enter key).
In the figure above, the numerical series burning rate was calculated from the numerical series burning distance and burning time.Burning rate = (Burning distance / Burning time)*60
This was done by dividing the 1st value of the burning distance by the 1st value of the burning time and multiplying by 60 (254 / 202)*60 = 75.45
Divide the 2nd value of the burning distance by the 2nd value of the burning time and multiply by 60 (123 / 202)*60 = 36.53
Functions for calculating with number sequences
Function | Designation | Example |
average | average(Number series) forms the average value of the number series | mittelwert(m['BV']['1']) = average(254; 123; 100; 254; 254) = 197 |
median | median(Number series) forms the median of the number series. If the number series consists of an even number of numbers, median calculates the average of the two middle numbers. | median(m['BV']['1']) = 254 |
stabw or stabws | stabw(Number series) forms the standard deviation of a sample:![]() | stabw(m['BV']['1']) = 78,47 |
stabwn | stabwn(Number series) is the standard deviation of a population:![]() | stabwn(m['BV']['1']) = 70,19 |
summe | summe(Number series) forms the sum of a number series | summe(m['BV']['1']) = 985 |
produkt | produkt(Number series) forms the product of the Number series | produkt(m['BV']['1']) = 201560887200 |
min | min(Number series) returns the smallest number of the number series | min(m['BV']['1']) = 100 |
max | max(Number series) gives the largest number of the Number series | max(m['BV']['1']) = 254 |
first | first(Number series) returns the first value of a number series | first(m['BV']['1']) = 254 |
last | last(Number series) returns the last value of a number series | last(m['BV']['1']) = 254 |
csventry | csventry(Position, values) returns the value at a certain position of a number series. The position starts counting at 0. | z.B.: csventry(this(1), this(0)) returns the following result: ![]() |
csvadd | csvadd(Number series A, Number series B) adds the 1st value of Number series A to the 1st value of Number series B, etc. and returns a Number series again. | csvadd(m['BV']['1'], m['BV']['2']) = 456; 325; 150; 456; 456 |
csvminus | csvminus(Number series A, Number series B) subtracts the 1st value of Number series A from the 1st value of Number series B, etc. and returns a Number series again. | csvminus(m['BV']['1'], m['BV']['2']) = 52; -79; 50; 52; 52 |
csvmultiply | csvmultiply(Number series A, Number series B) multiplies the 1st value of Number series A by the 1st value of Number series B, etc. and returns a Number series again. | csvmultiply(m['BV']['1'], m['BV']['2']) = 51308; 24846; 5000; 51308; 51308 |
csvdivide | csvdivide(Number series A, Number series B) divides the 1st value of Number series A with the 1st value of Number series B, etc. and returns a Number series again. | csvdivide(m['BV']['1'], m['BV']['2']) = 1,26; 0,61; 2,00; 1,26; 1,26 |
csvpow | csvpow(Number series A, Number series B) Takes the 1st value of number series A as the base and the 1st value of number series B as the power, etc. and returns a number series again. | csvpow(10, 3) = 1000 |
csvanzahl | csvanzahl(Number series) returns as a result the number of numbers in the Number series | csvanzahl(1,26; 0,61; 2,00; 1,26; 1,26) = 5 |
csvverketten | csvverketten(Number series, Number series) allows the concatenation of two number seriesn | csvverketten(15; 16, 'mg/l') = 15mg/l; 16mg/l |
csvmittelwert | csvmittelwert(Data series A, Data series B,...) allows calculation of the mean for each row of multiple data series. |
csvmittelwert(5;10,15;20) = 10;15 |
csvmedian | csvmedian(Data series A, Data series B,...) allows determination of the median for each row of multiple data series. In case of an even number of data series, the mean of the middle values is calculated. |
csvmedian(5;10,15;20,20;25) = 15;20 |
csvstabw | csvstabw(Data series A, Data series B,...) Determines the standard deviation for each row of multiple data series. |
csvstabw(1;1,1.5;2,2;3) = 0.5;1 |
csvstabwn | csvstabwn(Data series A, Data series B,...) Determines the population standard deviation for each row of multiple data series. |
csvstabwn(1;1,1.5;2,2;3) = 0.41;0.82 |
csvstabws | csvstabws(Data series A, Data series B,...) Determines the sample standard deviation for each row of multiple data series. |
csvstabws(1;1,1.5;2,2;3) = 0.5;1 |
csvround | csvround(Data series, Number of decimal places) Rounds a floating-point value for each row of a data series. |
csvround(5.42;4.37,1) = 5.4;4.4 |
csvlog | csvlog(Data series) natural logarithm for each row of a data series. |
csvlog(10;15) = 2.3026;2.7081 |
csvlog10 | csvlog10(Data series) Logarithm base 10 for each row of a data series. |
csvlog10(10;15) = 2.3026;2.7081 |
csvexponentialformat | csvexponentialformat(Data series) The numbers are displayed in exponential notation (scientific notation) with one decimal place for each row of a data series. |
csvexponentialformat(1005;3400) = 1.0 x 103;3.4 x 103 |
csvlinks | csvlinks(String, Number of characters) Cuts characters from the left for each row of a data series. |
csvlinks(Hello;World,3) = Hel;Wor |
csvrechts | csvright(String, Number of characters) Cuts characters from the right for each row of a data series. |
csvright(Hello;World,3) = llo;rld |
Burning rate = csvmultiply(csvdivide(m['BV']['1'], m['BV']['2']), 60) = 75,45; 36,53; 120,00; 75,45; 75,45
Logical operations with Number seriesn
Function | Designation | Example |
csvwenn | csvwenn(Expression, a, b) checks line by line whether the expression (based on the csvvergleich ) is 1 (true) or 0 (false) and then returns the number from the number series a or b (a if the value is true (1) and b if the value is false (0)). | csvwenn({0, 1, 1, 0},{1, 2, 3, 4},{55, 66, 77, 88}) = {55, 2, 3, 88} |
csvvergleich | csvvergleich(a, Comparison operator, b) compares a and b line by line based on the comparison operator (>, <, <=, >=, !=, ==) and returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) zurück. | csvvergleich({10, 11, 12, 13},'<',{12, 12, 12, 12})={1,1, 0, 0} |
csvund | csvund(a, b) forms a logical AND operation between a and b line by line. (Used to link two csvvergleich within a csvwenn query). | csvund({0, 0, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0, 1}) = {0, 0, 0, 1} |
csvoder | csvoder(a, b) forms a logical OR operation between a and b line by line (used to link several csvvergleich within a csvwenn query). | csvoder({0, 0, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0, 1}) = {0, 1, 1, 1} |
csvinverter | csvinverter(a) inverts a line by line (0 becomes 1, 1 becomes 0). | csvinverter({0, 1, 1, 0}) = {1, 0, 0, 1} |
csvwenn and csvvergleich are mostly used in the following combination:
csvwenn(csvvergleich(a, Vergleichsoperator, b), a, b)
Whereby a
and b
is a number series and (>, <, <=, >=, !=, ==) are used as comparison operators.
The following is an example of how we can use the number series a
and b
and then return the larger value line by line:
a = {1, 3, 4}
b = {7, 1, -1}
csvwenn(csvvergleich(a, '>', b), a, b) = {7, 3, 4}
the result comes about because the result of the csv comparison looks like thiscsvvergleich({1, 3, 4}, '>', {7, 1, -1}) = {0, 1, 1}
Application example csvund
→ csvund requires that the two csvvergleicher applycsvwenn( csvund( csvvergleich(a, ’>’ , 0), csvvergleich(b, ‘>’, 0) ), ‘<0’, csvadd(a,b) ) = {8, 4, ‘<0’}
Last change: 10.01.2025
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