Before creating a report, you should briefly sketch the table you want to create so that you know which columns you need.
To create a new SQL Report, click on in the navigation bar: orders ->
SQL report and
Add new SQL report.
First you assign a name for the SQL report and then you can optionally fill the 4 following fields
Navigation bar: in which menu of the navigation bar this SQL report should appear.
(optional) Appears in: In which area this SQL report should appear additionally, so that it can be reached quickly.
Samples detail view and/or samples overview
Order detail and/or order overview
Customers detail view
Specification detail view
Recipes detail view
(optional) Forwarding to: The results of the SQL report are displayed in a tabular form by default. To choose a different representation of the following, make a setting here.
Sample list
Samples results table
Samples result diagram
Order list
Recipe list
Note: If you leave this field blank, other display options are also available in the table display.
(optional) Description: Short description to distinguish from other SQL reports.
SQL query
Enter your SQL query in the following yellow field SQL query. You can use the examples as a guideline or use the web search to find the appropriate SQL command for your analysis. You can find some SQL basics in the following tutorial: SQL Basics
For Parameter columns and Variables in SQL reports take a look at these two instructions.
With Save your SQl report is saved and will be executed. This should be quick, but may take a little while depending on the complexity of the query.
Note: An error or MySQL syntax error happens often. Mostly a bracket is missing, or a comma is too much or missing.
You can then export the results table as Excel or CSV on the one hand, and display it in sample list or results table on the other.
You can find more options for automatic export in the manual: Export SQL Reports