configurable master data fields in the Labordatenbank

You'll find configurable master data fields throughout your Labordatenbank. These fields are tailored specifically to your laboratory's needs. Your customer advisor will set up these fields for you. Here's an overview of the possible settings.
Your Labordatenbank customer advisor will set up the master data fields for you for security reasons.

You can find the configurable master data fields at the following locations in the laboratory database:

Samples Orders Customers Contacts Reports Parameters Specifications Target Values Offers Invoices Prices Testing Equipment Materials Batches Documents Qualification Employee Qualification Employees Trainings 8D Reports Projects Recipes Planned orders Planned samples Facilities Facility Parts Inspections/Local Inspections

Configurable master data fields are recognizable within the records by a gray box in the editing view.

These master data fields can be configured individually for you. For example, a water laboratory may need the field "Sampler" for samples, while a materials testing laboratory may need a field for batch number.

For your desired master data field, first select a name and, if desired, an English name for those employees who have set their account to English.

You have the following input types available for the fields:

Single-line Inputs
Fields for single-line text (string), whole numbers, and decimal numbers can be created. It must be determined what the maximum number of characters/digits should be and, for decimal numbers, how many digits should be before and after the decimal point. For longer texts/entries, a field for multi-line text is recommended.

Multi-line Inputs
For longer input, free text fields can be created, allowing entries with a very large number of characters (up to 65 thousand or 16 million).

For simple true or false queries, checkboxes can be set up.

Dropdowns can be set up to simplify and/or restrict the selection. There are generally three options for the selection possibilities:
a) fixed values are stored
b) you are provided with a list to enter selection options, which can be edited at any time
c) records are automatically generated from data sets (e.g., all employees of the sampler group).

In all three cases, the selection can be saved directly in the record or alternatively, a key -> value system can be set. In this case, a key is saved, but the value is shown in the read view (e.g., to save shorter entries). Furthermore, a free text input option can be created, and multiple selection can be allowed.

Date (with Time)
For specifying a date, a date field can be provided. Optionally, a time field can also be displayed alongside.

Background Data
If you want to store additional data in the background in a structured way, there is the possibility to create a field for the JSON format. It is recommended to fill data in this field with an import interface and read it out with an evaluation, as it is somewhat unclear for direct reading.

For each field, further settings can be made for every data type:

Master data fields can be divided into groups, visually summarizing them under one header.

A default value can be set, which is already present in the field when creating new records (e.g., a new sample).

Fields can be set as required, without input, saving is not possible. These fields are recognizable by displaying the name in bold.

Manual input can be blocked, so that only entries via import interfaces are possible, for example.

Notes can be added to the input fields, providing guidance for the input. There are three types of notes:
1. Visible within the Labordatenbank
2. Visible in the customer zone in German
3. Visible in the customer zone in English

Input Restriction
A Regex expression can be specified for the field, restricting the input accordingly. For example, in an additional field for a time, only data in the format HH:MM (H for hour) should be entered.

Fields can be color-coded, for example, to be more visible.

Additionally, it can be set where these fields should be visible. For example, whether they should be displayed in the overview or whether they should be searchable with the respective search function. For better clarity, it is recommended to restrict the fields in the overview to a minimum. In the following example, the configured field "Examination Start" is additionally displayed in the overview.

Visibility and Editability
Visibility and editability of the fields can be restricted. For example, there may be critical data that only employees of a certain group are allowed to view and edit. Or some data should only be entered by sampling employees but cannot be modified by laboratory employees. But everyone can see the data.

Last change: 10.01.2025








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