in 10+ different industries
in 12 countries across Europe & the US
from the best labs in Europe
Automatically check against threshholds for different interpretations and highlight nonconforming samples
Build complex formulas using intuitive excel-like syntax to combine values from different parameters and transform them according to your needs
Conveniently visualize your analysis data with flexible charts and diagramms
Test results can be linked to coresponding text-modules, allowing you to automatically create comprehensive reports for every sample without having to write a single word.
Create different report-templates containing all of your data, as well as images, charts and visualizations - all styled to your liking using our no-code editor
Provide your customers a secure and convenient way to access their results & reports via an intuitive web interface
Test reports are signed according to ETSI EN 319 142, can be validated online and are legally binding
Provide a private and secure webinterface to each of your customers, robustly secured via MFA or SSO
Includes an order interface with customer-specific sample templates, completely removing the need for manual sample registration on your end.
Customers can place new orders at the push of a button, track sample progress and securely access their results
"Das QM-Modul der Labordatenbank begeistert jeden Auditoren bei der Zertifizierung nach DIN EN ISO 9001. Erstmals konnten wir unsere Verfahren im Chemielabor akkreditieren lassen."
Operations manager | bdg Service GmbH